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![]() Gender: Female Birthday: 13 July Nationality: Indonesian Race: Chinese
Aloysius Amanda Benedict BTAB Caroli Chien Hui Cheryl Choy Peng Cindy Darren Edmund Edmund (DOPT) Ee Ting Elizabeth Eng Heng Esther Fabian Fafa Fang Yu Farhany Fendy Heri Hui Peng Hui Tian Izwan Jaryl Jeffery Jordan Jordon JT Kai Ting Keli Kellyn King Chi Kin Meng Lay Yan Li Ying Lynn Matthew Ming Xian Pei Yu Rachel Sarah Jane Seng Tat Sharon Shirley Shirly SPG Stacy Ting Hui Wei Zhen Yati Yee Ting Yi Jun Yi Ting Yu Mei Yuliana
September 2007
October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 October 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 June 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Sunday, September 30, 2007
The band practice was cancelled because the gate of the CC did not open although we waited till ten a.m. -.- Wah! Wasted my effort to wake up so early and "commuted" by taking train and bus which I have to wait for 15 minutes for it to come. It wasn't a good start for my day.
Therefore, I headed to aunt's place as I have promised her that I'd visit her today. I was in a not-so-good condition because I was in great pain. My wisdom tooth is growing. The last time I had toothache was primary school such that I'd even forgotten how the pain like. So now THE PAIN IS REALLY KILLING ME! It lead to headache and my poor right ear is suffering too. ARGH! MISERABLE! I called the dentist to make an appoinment. The slots were fully booked!!!! WTH! So I need to wait for two weeks! I can't wait man! I WANT THE BRACES! I slept for the whole day there to avoid the pain. When I woke up, no use, still very painful. *sigh* I didn't do anything at aunt's place, just chatting with her, watching TV, sleeping. Aunt cooked curry fish head for dinner. OISHII! Haha! This is my uncle's cigarettes that he got from Japan. It costs about S$5 only which is cheaper. I don't understand what is written on the box but I guessed it's a warning message for the smokers that smoking is harmful I put this picture onto MSN display picture. Some people thought I took up smoking. -.- Come on! Is it possible? Whoever know me the best will know about it then. Ha! I called mummy and she said grandma will come to Singapore next week. Yes! I will get to see her again. Haha! Hopefully I will be very free next week such that I can visit grandma more often. AH MA ROCKS!
I think my cheek is gonna swell tomorrow. *sigh* No choice but face it. Bye~ Labels: band, Japan, wisdom tooth
Thursday, September 27, 2007
I have completed my Human Anatomy 4D puzzled but I didn't the instructions from that small booklet because I was very lazy to read. Well, some of the parts of the eyes I still dunno what their names are. Haha! I wonder whether I can graduate from this course or not.
The cornea is very loose and it's very difficult to keep it attached to the limbus(I think it's the name..). At the end I managed to attach it though. My sis said the eye ball is so GROSS especially the lacrimal gland! =.= Come on! It's just a model. The real eyes are attached on her own orbit now. Still said considering of taking Optometry course. Crap! Haha! Alright. I cannot continue being lazy. I am reading the booklet now. Lemme list down some of the part of this "cute" eyeball. 1. Cornea 2. Lens 3. Vitreous humor 4. Iris 5. Eye muscles 6. Optic nerve 7. Pupil(stuctureless) 8. Retina 9. Sclera 10. Lacrimal gland (aka tear gland) I HAVE TO BE HIGH HIGH HIGH! OI YULI! TIME FOR SCHOOL! GET RID OF THE BLUE BECAUSE IT WILL INCREASE THE SCATERRING! Wah! Still crapping! Alamak! OK! I shall stop here. Hehe! Must sleep early tonight. Tomorrow I have 3 hours lectures in the morning! I am sure I will doze off there. *sigh* Bye bye~!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I had meaningless days!
Today is another meaningless day for me.
It's BLUE again! Moreover, someone made me angry today! He made use of my weekness! I WAS REALLY MALU LEH! Well, whatever! Next time I see him I don't wanna talk to him anymore. How could a guy do such thing to a girl? I know I am not super girly type of what but no matter what MY GENDER IS STILL FEMALE RIGHT? I will feel embarass ok? OK. I gotta forget about it. *Take in deep breath, and breath out* I gotta cheer up! Bye~!
Monday, September 24, 2007
No family, no life
Yes. I think everyone knows that I am stating 'lung language(fei hua)' for the title. Haha! I am back to Singapore. My school holiday is so short! Not enough!
I attended a wedding dinner and oh ya! I my friend's got married! CONGRATS TO HER! She's just twenty. Glad to see her so happy. Hopefully she will build a happy family with her husband. ^^ The trend of marriage in my home town is so different from Singapore. The people who got married are getting younger and younger. Haha! I had lunch with little brother, mummy and papa before setting off. I went eating 'Miso' but that wasn't as tasty as usual. Mummy said because they are fasting, so they don't have the energy to cook better. *sigh* Disappointing. While eating, we bumped into Adriano's parents. My parents said hello to them. I smiled at them too. Then my papa told them that they were sending me off because tomorrow my school's starting. They said, "o.O how come so early? My son's school has not yet started." I told them I am schooling in SP, not NYP and they asked again, "Do you like studying?" I nodded. They said, "Wow!" Haha! Because thier children don't like studying. After eating, we said good bye and left. Before I left, I went visiting grandma. I am so happy to see her health getting better. However, she still looks a bit gloomy =( It's probably because grandpa has just left us not long ago. I hope to see her getting better and better. I said bye to her and she said "study hard, ok?". I replied, "Yes!" and of course I will try harder next semester. Hees~!
Papa is driving. My papa drives very slow because he's very careful. But mummy always complains that he drives very slow. Haha!
Wah! Pig! Haha! He always asks me to spike his hair. Haha! My little brother is vain. I bumped into Wartini and Erna Wati. We chatted along the journey. Hehe! Luckily I had them to accompany me. If not I would be so bored being alone throughout the journey. I SMS-ed mummy and said I've arrived safely. They were having dinner at a restaurant called 'Pondok Kuring'. I miss the food there! But I missed it. Argh! What a short holiday! =/ I miss my family! *Yawns* I shall turn in soon. I will update again. Good night~
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Ten Wierd Things About Myself
Well, as what my son, KimChee has requested, I am gonna blog about it. Ha! I am a weirdo but not really very weird because sometimes I am normal.
Rules of the game: Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks! My ten weird things are: 1. I don't tell people what my Chinese name is although I have one 2. I take 45 minutes shower everyday 3. I once fell asleep while taking shower, err.. not only once but already a few times =X 4. My backbone hurt like hell during PMS instead of having stomach cramp like normal girls. Why? I don't understand. 5. I can sleep more than 14 hours 6. I can eat chocolate as three meals for the day 7. My one heavy meal can last me 1 and a half day. It's unusual for the people in my age. 8. The first thing I notice about people is the skin color but I SWEAR I AM NOT A RACIST! 9. I feel like marrying a caucasian who is bald 10. Sometimes I behave like an aunty. NOT EVERYTIME OK? I AM STILL VERY YOUNG! HAHA! Ok, son. You should read this post. I read your ten weird things about yourself but they don't seem weird eh. Haha! Whatever. Who should be the next victims? They are YULIANA, ERVINA, ELIZABETH, SHIRLEY, NORAINI and KELI. Haha! Hopefully I will upload some pictures for the next post if not it's so boring. Jaa~!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
This morning, I overslept again. -.- I need to go to Optometry Centre to change my lens. Edmund called me and I was late for 2 hours! *sigh* I feel so sorry to those seniors as I have never been punctual. NOT EVEN ONCE! However, they did not mind at all. They are great people! =)
As usual, we were crapping all the way. HA! Funny! But Yi Jun, KimChee, Ridzuan and Zi Wei weren't there. -.- I had lunch with them and registered for GEMS. I chose Drama Appreciation. Hui Li said it totally suits me! HAHA! Well, it's a whole new experience though. I am interested in it. Hopefully it will be a fruitful module for me. I thought I went solo but Noraini chose that too. Yay! Luckily I have a companion. Gotta enjoy that. After finish changing my lens, I left with the seniors. I called my aunt and said I would visit her and I was on the way. However, I received a call from Yi Ting who said that the BBQ was on and the boys asked us to go. Yi Ting had her class chalet and thus she would join us later. Unfortunately, we discovered that her class chalet was very far from ours, such that she couldn't join us in the end. *sigh* Such a pity. Yi Ting had her hair black again. She looks good with black hair. Haha! I will dye my hair black soon. I can't wait! ^^ I met Hui Li at White Sand and coincidentallly bumped into Yi Ting and her classmates. After a short conversation, we left for the chalet. Before that, we bought some chocolates for the organisers. Empty handed doesn't look nice right? Hehe... The BBQ party was too sudden. I didn't prepare anything to stay overnight. No camera, no photos! Such a pity. I would love to stay and have fun with those secondary schoolmates(Wei jian, Choo Wang, Ewin, Jeremy, Clarence, Sherwin and Garry) but I couldn't make it. Hui Li has remedial the next day. We chatted and joked. We had a great time. BUT I DID SOMETHING VERY STUPID! I AM SUCH A BLUR SOTONG! It goes like this. I saw a PSP. It belongs to Garry. I borrowed from him and played although I dunno how to play the game he plays. It's Yu Gi Oh. I was curious and dunno wad did I do and dunno which one did I select, the effort that Garry put FOR TWO WEEKS to reach that level was all gone! Oh my Goodness! Garry was very sad because he planned to show off to his classmates. Oh no! I swear I wasn't doing that on purpose! I felt utterly guilty. I totally understand how he felt. I AM SO SORRY! GOMENNASAI! I apologised to him but he said it's ok. *sigh* SO GUILTY MAN!!!! Anyway, it's so sweet of them for inviting my group to their chalet. Hope to see them again soon. I had a long day. So exhausted! >.< But I had fun with friends. I am looking forward for the next outing with them. =) Jaa~! Good night.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Bullies Are Evils!
This afternoon, I walked along the road, I saw two boys. They were bulling a girl who looks taller than them but I guess she has got some mental problem such that she got bullied by those two boys. I couldn't see very clearly as I was wearing my glasses but I think they were doing something to her hair. That girl was covering her face with her palms. She was crying.
Inside me was burning! I was so angry to see such scene. I wanna approach that girl and beat those boys up! But I dare not. I was scared! I didn't have the courage although I was feeling so miserable seeing that girl got bullied. I know I would fail helping her. Why!? Why am I so timid?? Why am I so weak? How I wish if I could do something to it. But I just couldn't do anything. The laughters of those two boys made me sick! Yes. Anything happening in our life will never be fair. We've got no choice but face it. I hope she is fine. Jaa~
Friday, September 14, 2007
My New Blog
Hello! This is another new blog of mine. If I remember correctly, this is the fourth one. Not an auspicous number eh? =X Haha!
I kinda miss blogging, so I went looking for some blogskins. I like this one very much, it's simple, dark and the girl beside is so pretty! Totally different from me. Haha! The last time I updated my blog is 6 months ago. As a result, my previous blog has become ..... *sigh* Anyway, just make a new one won't kill too much of my brain cells right? Hehe! Since I am so free now. It's HOLIDAY! Let's enjoy ourselves! I wanna watch horror movie! I gotta ask everyone to relink me. Hees~! I have got nothing to continue already. Hehe! Bye bye! |