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![]() Gender: Female Birthday: 13 July Nationality: Indonesian Race: Chinese
Aloysius Amanda Benedict BTAB Caroli Chien Hui Cheryl Choy Peng Cindy Darren Edmund Edmund (DOPT) Ee Ting Elizabeth Eng Heng Esther Fabian Fafa Fang Yu Farhany Fendy Heri Hui Peng Hui Tian Izwan Jaryl Jeffery Jordan Jordon JT Kai Ting Keli Kellyn King Chi Kin Meng Lay Yan Li Ying Lynn Matthew Ming Xian Pei Yu Rachel Sarah Jane Seng Tat Sharon Shirley Shirly SPG Stacy Ting Hui Wei Zhen Yati Yee Ting Yi Jun Yi Ting Yu Mei Yuliana
September 2007
October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 October 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 June 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Monday, June 30, 2008
![]() This is Shiro. The dog that always in Yusdi's display picture. I just found out that it's dead 1 year ago. :'( Poor Shiro! I'm chatting with that Damn Yusdi now (in case you dunno, he's my younger brother in Indonesia). He's still as lame as usual. I talked to Mummy. She allows me to go to Japan/Korea for the school trip! YAY! I hope I will ge t selected! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Onegai! >.< Surprisingly, Yusdi said he doesn't play cyber games nowadays. HE'S LOOKING FOR GIRLFRIEND NOW! OMG! CAN YOU IMAGINE!? MY IDIOTIC BROTHER'S FINALLY INTERSTED IN GIRLS! Last few months he just told me that he's not interested in girls. His life is merely for cyber games. He said, "lama2 juga bosan". WOW! o.O Puberty boy, I guess. What an unusual news from him. =P He said he wants younger girls and ... Yusdi says: yang cantik yg setia yg baik Yusdi sent 30/06/2008 1:03 AM: YANG CANTIK Yusdi sent 30/06/2008 1:03 AM: BAIK SETIA Yusdi sent 30/06/2008 1:03 AM: KWAOWKOAWOAK Ah herm! Occupation: Student Age: 16 Nationality: Indonesian Status: SINGLE AND AVAILABLE! HOHOHO! Hobbies: Gaming, IT About him: Quiet, smart, he's not very vain (I'm trying to change him. He needs to work out and change his hairstyle!), etc.......... *lazy to describe* HEY, YUSDI! I KNOW YOU ARE READING THIS! C'MON! YOU ARE TOO YOUNG! LOOK FOR GIRLS WHEN YOU KNOW HOW TO SURVIVE WITHOUT PAPA AND MAMA 1ST! AT LEAST BUY A CAR! (mampus lu!) Yusdi dodol! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Good news:
Hey, Yusdi! WHAT DID YOU GET!!!!!????? -.- *bleah* Again, Yusdi dodol! =D Labels: Yusdi dodol
Sunday, June 29, 2008
There's a buffet party today, the baby girl Kai Xuan. She's such a pair of big eyes, very adorable. She's the 1st baby of my previous landlord. I was invited to that celebration. They're so happy being parents. Congratulation! =) Before going to their place(Chai Chee), I went to Bedok Interchange Guardian to buy my stuff and H2HUB to buy saline. Then, I heard someone calling me, "Yulianti!". I turned back, that was Matthew, the dude. Then he went into the refraction room. He was wearing that familiar thick pair of specs when he used to look nerd in secondary school time. After perchasing my stuff, he came out. He walked out and covered his face. He looks nerd! HAHA! And also shy. Then I said"Eh I make a move 1st ok? OIE! DON'T SHY LA! HAHAHAHA!" And he laughed. He shouldn't have called me when he doesn't want people to see his not-so-good-looking sight but he still called me. So nice of him. :) Matthew's case reminds me of myself. When I wear specs and bump into my friends anywhere, I will try to avoid the greeting by looking away. I feel kinda bad. And this shows that my self esteem is low. Unlike Matthew, his is high! Wow! o.O I "sian-half". Someone said I gain weight compared to secondary school. -.- This is why my self esteem is low. I GOTTA BOOST IT! Haha.... Hopefully. I'm waiting for Mummy to come to Singapore next month! Yay! That's all folks!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Effects of UV on me:
That's what I don't like about having outing at Sentosa. UV kills! The reasons I was there because I wanna support my class rep, Lim Yi Liang ( I don't wanna mention that FAT BING SHENG! HAHAHA!) and course mates, Shirlyn, Ayuni, Amanda, Jia Sheng for putting effort in organising such activities for everyone. Thank you, guys! =D Of course, I enjoyed myself. =) I got to know some new friends from year 1. My new 'jie mei', KE JIE! TADA!!! =D I was like mad girl with all the craps. Well, that's me. *drunk after milk* In the morning *yawns* Soon, we moved on to groupings. We're group 6. Games:
Sport? What's that? This was the 1st time of me being so enthusiastic in ball games. Since secondary school, I always ROC (Relac One Corner). I'm not a sporty person but currently I've been influenced by Zi Wei, she said they're fun. Hmmm.... Not bad eh? ;) HOWEVER.......... IT WAS SO UNFAIR!!!!!! I WANNA COMPLAIN! THE MEMBERS OF MY GROUP WERE ALL GIRLS! (including Ke Jie) HOW'RE WE GONNA WIN THE GAMES!!!?? #@*&%! Anyway, we did our best. No regrets! Ha! Dodge ball Group 1 and group 6 members Gays! Keli! So cute! Kai Ting and I I'm so tall! Kellyn's sweet smile! Cheers! I noticed some strong players: Matthew (he can jump so high as if he's at the moon!!), John Tham, Ameer, Chun Peng (Spelling?), and that number 13, year 1 from the group 'dunno leh' and a malay year 1 boy which I've forgotten his name and so and so that I dunno. If my group has 2 of them is enough to satisfy us! Haha! -.- Their prizes are movie tickets. Congratulations! More people left after that match. Next, the time for the lecturers to play. Mr Ng is so cute!!!! He's got very huge arms! OMG! Kinda scary! Group photos! It's tiring but quite fun. I can't say that we really bond with the year 1s and 3s (may be just some of them?) But I can say that we enjoy our time with the classmates and some from other classes. Another sweet memory recorded! =) After that, we went to Vivo City. HUI LI WAS LATE! -.- And again, I SPENT MONEY! -.- We got some stuff from TANGS and Forever 21. This is what we got from TANGS. Mao Ze Dong's file? We're deeply in love with our Mr. Mao. HAHAHAHAHA! Yawns! I'm tired. Bye bye! *randomly end this post* |