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![]() Gender: Female Birthday: 13 July Nationality: Indonesian Race: Chinese
Aloysius Amanda Benedict BTAB Caroli Chien Hui Cheryl Choy Peng Cindy Darren Edmund Edmund (DOPT) Ee Ting Elizabeth Eng Heng Esther Fabian Fafa Fang Yu Farhany Fendy Heri Hui Peng Hui Tian Izwan Jaryl Jeffery Jordan Jordon JT Kai Ting Keli Kellyn King Chi Kin Meng Lay Yan Li Ying Lynn Matthew Ming Xian Pei Yu Rachel Sarah Jane Seng Tat Sharon Shirley Shirly SPG Stacy Ting Hui Wei Zhen Yati Yee Ting Yi Jun Yi Ting Yu Mei Yuliana
September 2007
October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 October 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 June 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Phew~! I'm done with my house chore and here to update my stupid blog! Oh man! I sound like a house wife! -.-
Today, I woke up pretty early for my dental appointment. I chose the light pink color as usual(it's not because I love pink very much but I suit that colour the most) but it's OUT OF STOCK! Even the tooth brush! -.- The counter lady asked me to find at Watson or Guardian.
After reading this in the library, I finally discovered that this toothpaste's for night used! But it's too late. -.- And again, I didn't study much but read a lot of books in the library (including manga). Darn it! I wasted my time again! Well, I've discussed this with Zi Wei and my sis before and we chose the BRAIN of course. You can be stupid enough to destroy your beautiful look. By the MAO=Monoamide Oxidase! Okay! Enough of Ocular Pharmacology. It's over! And it's too late! -.-
Edmund: Cut off your nose then! Me: Ya. And change to higher 1 rite? Shiok! Edmund: Haha... Me: Eh cannot! Later difficult to do Van Herick! Edmund: Lame lah!
*Internal joke* And I'm really lame. Haha! This is a vulgar Japanese surname. WATANABE sounds like "wo de na beh". Jia Hui told me this. Haha! I'm very happy because I've finished reading that manga, all the 4 seasons! YAY! Instead of studying my weakest module, INTCL, I studied Ocular Pathology! And didn't even study much! -.- Studying = Happy, cheers! *as if* Another pale face of mine. *sian* Makan time! Jia Hui VS Banana~ Jia Hui
My study mates. =)) Someone please motivate me and stop me from slacking! Yawns~ Hopefully tomorrow will be a productive study day. Bye bye~
Thursday, August 21, 2008
I'm here blogging again because I completely don't have the mood to study my INTCL! Today is another meaningless day. I went to study at the library for my weakest module and at the end nothing went in!-.- Instead of studying, I read a lot of magazines there. They're all about HAIR! I learn about hair care products that are useful to me. I really need to do something to my hair as I'm balding soon! =( The hottest hairstyle in UK currently, August 2008, is the long, curly style. That's what I want! I mean, the hairstyle I'm aiming for is so 'now'! But I'm still considering whether to perm or not. The length is there. But the money's not there! -.- I wanna perm in Japan! On the way home with sis, we saw a cat, sitting like a boss! So cute! Hahahaha! ![]() We're walking along the corridor and chit-chatting. Here is our conversation: Me: Eh, should I perm my hair? Damn it! I really feel like perming in Japan but so expensive! Sis: Then you wanna dye or not? (and I mistook it as "die") Me: Ok. Can. I can just jump down here. Sis: Huh!? Me: Die wat. Die lo! Jump down from here la! Sis: I mean DYE! Color you hair! -.- Me: OH! I thought you want me to die! DIE! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH! Sis: HAHAHHAHAHAHA! Idiot la you! Hahaha! Dumb ass! My sister. Studying for prelim. Hahahaha! I'm taking my homy picture again. Pore-packing! And I look pale! Haiyo Strabismus! Hahahaha! So ugly~ The study trip is cancelled as many people cannot make it. I'm studying with Bing Sheng tomorrow. He's now sneezing non-stop! HAHAHAHA! I transmitted my flu to him! Oh no! But somehow I'm feeling happy because of that. Oh man! I'm so evil! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Remember? I'm Witch Yuli! *evil smile* Hohohohohohohoho~! 2 more papers to go. GOOD LUCK, YULI!
Okay okay! Here here... I'm updating my blog now. Yawns~ Yea. I admit it's really rotting.
Surprisingly, my blog's read by some people. Hmm.. I thought it's, well, so boring. Haha! Oh ya! Before I start, I wanna scold some people in the tag board. -.- Firstly, the "Guai Kia", Prem! Don't act one Guai Kia and what!? AIRPORK! It's BABI okay! -.- You stupid chicken mutant XANTHELASMA! MWHAHAHAHA! Secondly, the "BABI" Banana! Oi! Shut up! Stop using BABI to scold a BABI! =P I had my Ocular Pharmacology exam. I wasn't very well prepared due to my bloody flu! I thought I could recover within one day, who knows..... -.- Anyway, needless to say, I did badly for that paper eventhough I was wearing my lucky panty(I presume that's the luckiest 1). I left 10 mins for the last essay question while I had not even completed some parts of the short questions. I spent too much time thinking. I was rushing like mad. *ugh* The stupid babi like me always does stupid things. -.- I learned my lesson. NEVER EVER STUDY AT HOME! My room is not an ideal place for studying. The sound of PIE, cousin screaming is my music and the bed, wow! I can't resist its temptation. Unfortunately, I can't go out with my rudolf's nose and sneeze without stopping. Can anyone tell me what are the signs and sxs of NPC? *sneeze* Some random photos, with unproductive study methods. (Please don't do this at home, especially children!) HAHAHA! This is the classic AUNTY's photo. This aunty here, wearing her pj, glasses and hairbend. My 'buang' and candid look lah! Enjoy laughing at this photo. =D I HATE EXAMS! *roars* ==================================================================== I didn't post about how I spent my time with my belove family when they came to Singapore for my cousin's wedding. So, here are some photos taken at that time. By looking at these photos, I feel homesick. -.- With the kids, having party at the condo. Molester! These were taken during the dinner. Daddy did not come along. Such a pity~ The 'chee gor pek' look! HAHAHAHA! My cousin, Eny. And they're on TV, Channel 8. Hehe~ Okay. That's all folks! Let's study hard for exam! All the best to everyone! =D |